• +8809638521285, +8801568136589
  • info@bkmttcbd.com
  • New Market Road, Ghoramara, Rajshahi.

Consumer Electronics

This course is designed to enhance knowledge, skills and attitudes in assembling/disassembling electronic components, maintaining and repairing audio/video products and systems, closing/connecting electrical and electronics circuits and maintaining and repairing electrically controlled home appliances. Also covers computer operations including repair and commissioning of specialized equipment for Internet browsing, industry control systems, color TV, LCD, LED, CD VCD, DVD, IPS, UPS, cellular phones, house hold appliances and consumer electronic products and systems.

Objectives: • To identify electronics components and devices. Can identify electrical components and equipment. Repair of electrical appliances and equipment. • Repair of electronics instruments and machineries. • Repair of consumer house hold appliances.

Consumer Electronics

Duration: 06 Month’s                                                                                          Courses Code: 106                                                                         Total Time: 406 Hour

Subject Code Subjects of Study Subjects Description Hours
Lesson 01:
Introduction of Consumer Electronics
Training will impart: 1. Knowledge of fundamentals of electronics. 2. Basic knowledge of electrical. 3. Knowledge of computer basics. 4. Knowledge of electronic devices and machinery. 5. Knowledge of electrical equipment and apparatus including: ■ Radio transmitter and receiver ■ Concept of color transmitter and TV receiver. ■ CD ■ VCD, DVD. ■ Automatic voltage stabilizer. ■ UPS/IPS. ■ Mobile phone. ■ Power supply. ■ Video camera. ■ Function generator. ■ Oscilloscope ■ Photocopier. ■ Solar energy. 6. Knowledge of audio and video electronics equipment required. 7. Identify electrical and electronics components. 8. Identify electrical and electronics equipment. 9. Defective components identified. 10. Identify the main components used in various electronic equipment. 11. Diagnose various electronics equipment faults. 12. Repair of electrical and electronic equipment. 13. Testing of electrical and electronics equipment. 14 Maintenance of electrical and electronics equipment.
Lesson 02:
Basic Competencies
1. Receive and respond, participate and lead to workplace communication 2. Work with others, Team Environment and Lead small Teams 3. Demonstrate work values, practice career professionalism and develop & practice negotiation skills 4. Practice workplace Occupational health and safety procedure 5. Use Mathematical Concepts & Techniques and Use Relevant Technologies.
Lesson 03:
Tools and Equipment
Electrical Electronics Equipment: ● Digital Multi meter, ● Analog ● Multi, ● DC Power Supply, ● Function Generator, ● Oscilloscope, ● LCR Meter, ● PLC Programmer, ● Transistor Tester, ● MOSFET Tester, ● Digital Tester, ● PABX System, ● Digital Trainer Board, ● LCD TV Receiver, ● LED TV Receiver, ● Battery Charger, ● Scanner, ● High voltage Tester, ● Dish Antenna, ● LNB (dish antenna), ● Distributor for Dish antenna, ● Hand tool set, ● Logic Lab unit ED1006, ● Analog Lab unit ED 2200, ● µ-processor trainer, ● RF Generator, ● Sweep Generator, Soldering Iron, ● Soldering Iron Stand, ● Frequency counter, ● Spectrum Analyzer, ● PCB Board, Copper Clade Board, ● Screen Printing Materials, ● Nose Pliers, ● Cutting Pliers, ● Combination Pliers, ● Anti Cutter, ● Flat Screw Driver, ● Star Screw Driver, ● Inter Changeable Screw Driver, ● Junior Hacksaw, ● Flat File, Round File, ● Hammer, ● Electronics hand drill machine, ● Voltage stabilizer, ● IPS with 2pcs Battery, ● UPS 500VA, 220V 50Hz, ● Solar Panel, ● Meager 500 Volt, ● 1000Volt, ● DC circuit/Network Trainer, ● AC Circuit/ Network Trainer, ● Change Over Switch, ● Electric Panel Board, ● Single Phase Induction Motor, ● Three Phase Induction Motor, ● Watt Meter, Ampere Meter, ● Volt Meter, ● Voltage Verica, ● Frequency Meter, ● Star-Delta Manual Starter, ● Star-Delta Auto Starter, ● Single Phase Magnetic Contact Switch, ● Three Phase Magnetic Contact switch, ● Taco Meter, ● Wire Gauge, ● Venire Calipers, ● Transformer 220V/12V, ● B&W & Color TV Receiver, ● Monitor, Photocopier, ● Fax Machine, ● Mobile Set, ● Telephone Set, ● DVD/CD Player, ● Video Camera, ● Computer System, ● Multimedia, Multimedia Screen, ● AVR system, ● Wheatstone Bridge, ● Colour TV Trainer, ● Audio power Amplifier. Raw Materials: ● Resistor 1/4W, 1/2W, 1W,2W (diff. type), ● Capacitor (diff. type), Diode (diff. type), ● Zener Diode (diff. type), ● Transistor (diff. type), ● MOSFET (diff. type), ● Thyristor (diff. type), ● UJT, ● LDR (diff. type), ● VDR (diff. type), ● Transformer (diff. type), ● Digital IC (diff. type), ● Analog IC (diff. type), ● Reg. IC (diff. type), ● Soldering Lead, ● Ragon.
Lesson 04:
Power Electronics
1. Introduction to thyristors and other power electronics devices: ● Construction, Working principles of SCR, two transistor analogy of SCR, VI characteristics of SCR. ● SCR specifications & ratings. ● Different methods of SCR triggering. ● Different commutation circuit for SCR. ● Series & parallel operation of SCR. ● Construction, working principle of UJT, VI characteristics of UJT. UJT as relaxation oscillator. ● Basic idea about the selection of Heat sink for thyristors. 2. Controlled Rectifiers: ● Single phase half wavecontrolled rectifier with load (R, R-L) ● Single phase half controlled full wave rectifier (R, R-L) ● Fully controlled full wave bridge rectifier. ● Single phase full wave center tap rectifier. 3. Inverters, Choppers, Dual Converters and Cyclo converters: ● Principle of operation of basic inverter circuits, concepts of duty cycle, series & parallel. Inverters & their application. ● Choppers: Introduction, types of choppers (Class A, Class B, Class C and Class D). Step up and stepdown choppers. ● Dual Converters & cyclo converters: Introduction, types & basic working principle of dual converters & cyclo converters & their application. 4. Thyristorzed Control of Electric drives: ● DC drive control: ■ Half wave drives. ■ Full wave drives ■ Chopper drives (Speed control of DC motor using choppers) ● AC drive control: ■ Phase control (Speed control of induction motor using variable frequency) ■ Constant V/F operation ■ Cycloconverter/Inverter drives. ■ Slip power control of AC drives. 5. Uninterrupted Power supplies: ● UPS, on-line, off line & its specifications ● Concept of high voltage DC transmission.
Lesson 05:
Advanced Microprocessors
1. The 8086 Microprocessor: ●Internal Architecture of 8086. ● Concept of memory segmentation & physical address generation. ● Memory and date addressing mode ● Minimum and Maximum mode of 8086. 2. System Design using 8086: ● Pins and Signals. ● CLK circuitry ● 8086 Address and Data bus Concept ● Memory and I/o Interface block diagram ● Math coprocessor 8087. 3. Programming of 8086: ● Instruction Format ● Data transfer, Arithmetic, Bit & Logical manipulation, String, Program transfer and processor control instructions. ● Programming using manual assembly on exercises like: ■ Addition & Subtraction of two 16bit numbers. ■ Multiplication’s & Division of two numbers ■ Moving a block of data (intra and inter segment) ■ To arrange a block of data in ascending/descending order. 4. 8086 Interrupt System: ● Interrupt Vector table and Interrupt type code. ● Types of interrupts and interrupt priority. ● Types of interrupts and interrupt priority. ● Types of interrupts and interrupt priority. 5. Micro Controller: ● Introduction of Micro Controllers: ■ Main features and architecture of 8051/8951 ■ Main features and architecture of 8051/8951. 6. Application of Microprocessors: ● Use of microprocessor (with block diagram, main devices used and operation) for applications like: ■ A microprocessor-based weighing scale ■ Temperature measurement and control system ■ Data Acquisition system. ■ Speed control of DC motor. 7. Introduction to 32bit Microprocessors: ● Main features of 80386, 80486, Pentium microprocessor.
Lesson 06:
Communication Engineering
1. Introduction to Microwaves: Introduction to microwaves and its applications, Classification on the basis of its frequency bands (HF, VHF, UHF, L, S, C, X, KU, KA, mm, SUB, mm) 2. Microwave Devices: Construction, characteristics, operating principles and typical applications of the following devices (No mathematical treatment): ■ Multi cavity klystron ■ Reflex klystron ■ Multi-cavity magnetron ■ Traveling wave tube ■ Gunn diode and ■ Impatt diode. 3. Wave guides 4. Microwave Components 5. Microwave antennas 6. Microwave Communication systems 7. Radar Systems: ● Block diagram and operating principles of basic pulse radar. Concepts of ambiguous range, radar area of cross-section and its dependence on frequency. ● Block diagram and operating principles of CW (Doppler) and FMCW radars, and their applications. ● Block diagram and operating principles of MTI radar. ● Radar display- PPI. 8. Satellite Communications: ● Basic idea of passive and active satellites. Meaning of the terms orbit, apogee, perigee ● Geostationary satellite and its need. Block diagram and explanation of a satellite communication link. Link losses etc. ● Transponders multiple access techniques, VSAT & its features.
Lesson 07:
Maintenance of Computer System (MOCS)
1. CRT Display Device: ● Block Diagram, ● Principle of operation of Computer Monitor, ● Difference between TV & Computer Monitor. ● Video Display Adopters (Monocrome & Colour Graphic Adopter) 2. Printers: ● Printing Mechanism, ● Construction and working principles and Dot Matrix Printer, ● Inkjet Printer, ● Laser Printer, Printer Controller, ● Concentric Interface, Signals from PC to Printer & Printer to PC. 3. Keyboard & Mouse: ● Block Diagram of keyboard Controller, ● keyboard switches, ● keyboard faults, ● Mouse, ● Common faults with mouse. ● Introduction to scanner, digitizer. 4. Buses & Ports: ● Different type of Buses: ■ PCI, ISA, ■ SCSI & Ports COM 1, COM 2, LPTI, USB. 5. Secondary Memory: ● Principle & Construction of Floppy Disk Drive & hard disk device (HDD). ● Floppy disk Controller & Hard disk controller. Pen Drives, common faults with hard disk drive & floppy disk drive. 6. Mother Board: ● Introduction to different type of mother boards Single Board Based System, Block diagram of motherboard. Installation of Computer System. 7. Network Devices: ● Brief Introduction & working of following: ■ HUBS, ■ Routers, ■ Bridges, ■ Switches, ■ LANS, ■ WANS.
Lesson 08:
Optical Fiber Communication
1. Introduction: ● Historical perspective, basic communication systems, optical frequency range, advantages of optical fibre communication, application of fibre optic Communication ● Electromagnetic spectrum used, Advantages and disadvantages of optical communication. ● Principle of light penetration, reflection, critical angle. 2. Optical Fibers and Cables: ● Fiber types construction, multimedia and monomode fibers, step index and graded index fibers, acceptance angle and acceptance types of optical fiber cables. 3. Losses in optical fiber cable: ● Absorption Losses, Scattering Losses, Radiation losses, Compelling losses, Bending loses. ● Dispersion, Material dispersion, wave guide dispersion, modal dispersion total dispersion and bit rate. 4. Light sources and Detectors: ● Characteristics of light source used in optical communication, principle of operation of LED, different type of LED structures used and their brief description, LED driving circuitry, Injection Laser diode, principle of operation, different injection laser diodes, comparison of LED and ILD, non-semiconductor laser. ● Characteristics of photo detectors used in optical communication; PIN diode and avalanche photo diode (APD), their brief description. 5. Connectors, Splicing and coupling: ● Fiber alignment and joint losses, splicing, types of splices, types of connectors 6. Optical Fiber System: ● Optical transmitter circuit, optical receiver circuit, optical power budgeting, multiplexing methods used. Modulation methods used. used, couplers, three and four port coupler, stare coupler, fiber optic switch.
Lesson 09:
Trouble Shooting of Electronic Equipment
Electronic Equipment will be Repaired by Students: 1. Stereo Amplifier/CD Player 2. Tape recorder 3. Telephone hand set 4. Fax machine 5. B/W and colour TV 6. VCR/VCD player 7. Regulated power supply 8. Analog and digital voltmeter 9. Function generator 10. CRO 11. Automatic Stabilizer 12. Inverter, UPS. 13. Cordless phone 14. EPABX 15. Video Games 16. Security devices 17. Computer and Peripherals 18. Mobile phone 19. Fan regulator 20. Temp. controller 21. Power supplies 22. Digital multimeters.
Lesson 10:
Language of Communication
LSpeak in English
Semester Final Exam

Exam Subjects

Sl Number Subjects Marks
Introduction of Consumer Electronics
Basic Competencies
Tools and Equipment
Power Electronics
Advanced Microprocessors
Communication Engineering
Advanced Microprocessors
Maintenance of Computer System (MOCS)
Optical Fiber Communication
Trouble Shooting of Electronic Equipment
Language of Communication